What is GamesZone?

This is a games site to play unlimited games for customers of Ooredoo Oman

How do I subscribe to the service?

Dear Sir/Madam, you can subscribe by clicking the subscribe link in the site and follow the instructions. You need to confirm your subscription after giving your initial consent.

How much does it cost?

You may opt for daily pack at subscription charge of 250bz per day or weekly pack of OMR 1.250 per week. It will be charged from your balance in case of prepaid. In case of postpaid, 250bz/ 1.250 OMR per day/week for the period of use would be added to your monthly bill.

Can I check my subscription status?

Dear Sir/Madam, please go to Profile and you will get all the details

If I subscribe to this service, till what date will it be valid?

Dear Sir/Madam, once subscribed this service is valid till the day you unsubscribe from this service.

How do I deactivate from the service?

Dear Sir/Madam, this service may be deactivated by clicking the unsubscription button on any of the page. Alternately you may send an SMS UNSUB GZ to 92093. You will receive an confirmation SMS after deactivation.

I did not get my answers here. How to get help?

You may mail us at care@ingenuititech.com where our customer-care executives who would be more than happy to help you.
